Sunday, May 4, 2014

Look At What I Did!!!

So I've recently ridden in a car for 10 hours to spend 4 days in Mayo Clinic at Rochester M.N. The first day on the rode wasn't that bad but then again in the beginning the rides are never that bad.  We stopped at Wall Drug and I got to dominate the Jack Rabbit :)

If you're ever in South Dakota you should stop by its pretty fun... But that may just be because I'm a child haha. Anyway the fun didn't stop then we stopped in Suix (I probably spelled that wrong) Falls which I proceeded to get into trouble by going somewhere I wasn't supposed to go.

I guess this is why I didn't mind the ride over... we actually did something other than ride in a car. :/ But the highlight of this entire journey had to be my encounter with the Jolly Green Giant :D.  

(BTW he's a woman 0.0)