Friday, November 14, 2014

I'm Not Dead! Hopefully...

I disappeared again but really are you that surprised?

Now because I'm a 97% truthful person I have to admit that I have done absolute zip since school started.  Hell I don't even go to school half the time!  Anyway I'm only typing in here to bullshit my way out of doing homework... I never learn.  So because I've recently stopped to examine my life as an odd individual I realized just how weird I am.   So here we go a list of things I think are weird about myself!

....I think I've done this before.

1. My interest are kind of everywhere.  Like if I were to pull them out of my soul and placed them in my room they would be EVERYWHERE!  Just to example this lets create a list within a list... List-seption

  • Video games
  • YouTube 
  • Pranks / messing with people I don't know
  • Online shopping but not real shopping 
  • Drawing
  • Writing
  • History 
  • Animals
  • How the fuck life works
  • Ignoring Religion 
  • Creating conspiracies to see how many people will believe me
  • Getting scared about what the fuck is out there in space
  • Hiking 
  • Basketball/ Volleyball 
  • Playing in the snow
  • Cliff Jumping (Into water)
  • Yearbook stuff
  • Accounting (Who wouldn't like counting money?)
Ok I think you get the point. I have too much shit that I like. 

2. My music taste range is pretty ridiculous.  Rap, pop, screamo, alternative, elctronica, dubstep, metal, indie, rock, remixes, and others that I don't really know how to categorize.

3. I prefer the company of my mom.  Because girls my age are R for retarded I can't exactly stand being in the same room as them most the time so the role of my BFF goes to my mother because fuck girls. 

4. My room is literally cold enough for it to snow in but I refuse to turn on my heat.  One degree increase and suddenly its like a sauna and I can't sleep.

5. I'm honest to god addicted to the History channel...

6.  I have to change my hair often.  OH SPEAKING OF THAT! I cut all my hair off :) 

7. Every day that I'm too sick to get out of bed my black cat is sleeping on me and she sleeps on my for the entire day. 

8. I hate candy and sweets but if offered them I always accept it. 

9. I don't like to go on runs with people and that really pisses off my mom...

10. I still play video games on my original X-box >.<  does that make me a hipster?

I'm eating guacamole... I don't even know if I like it but I'm eating it's ok I guess.

11. I love the idea of thrift shopping but I can't make myself buy something that someone else wore. 

12.  If I was looking at this perfect house that was way cheap and the only catch was that a family was murdered there... I'd still buy it and sleep like a baby. 

13. I'm not afraid of spiders or heights.  Snakes don't phase me and the thought of being haunted excites me... hell I pet lions!  Yet somehow scorpions scare me stiff... but don't get me wrong.  I will kill them. 

Alright that's all for now.  I need to pee and make a baked potato... or maybe a sandwich... yah that's more realistic.  

OH! In case you exist and don't read my story blog, I'm writing fan fictions to procrastinate from school even more!  So if you want to check that out... that'd be neat.  I haven't exactly posted anything yet but I wrote a pretty odd profile thingy so if that's your kind of mildly fun but not too exciting party please join me! 

Hoekay! that a greeting?  I think that's a greeting.... oh well.

Friday, September 12, 2014

My Confessional

Alright so I wouldn't say I'm an exceptionally "bad person" but I'm not good either.  Sure I haven't gotten drunk or done any drugs... illegal drugs but I have a childish need to fuck with people and they don't even have to know!  Anyway, I recently lost my phone in the snow (Luckily I found it) and I figured Karma would get off my ass if I confess... even if it's to a bunch of people that probably won't read these.  

1. Well, my first confession is probably my most recent... thing.  But first! Some explaining.  My principle in one of my schools is completely and utterly bat shit crazy.  I can't explain my dislike towards the woman so I'll just describe her quickly.  She's a liberal, feminist, dwarf that treats her high school students like preschoolers.  I shit you not on the first day she legitimately read a picture book meant for kids that are learning to read to us. She makes us call her Dr. even though she's a principle so I call her Duh.  Anyway, I was in school doing my work (Like a good kid) when Duh came up to me and tried to explain how to use a program I've been using since I was 10.  I did not ask for help.  I knew what I was doing and when I tried to tell her to fuck off in the nicest way possible she snapped at me for being rude... and being me I looked away annoyed and spotted a eight legged friend crawling on my desk.... Long story short... I put a spider in her coffee. 

2. At school I use the personal hotspot on my phone to watch youtube videos during class. 

3. I play this game in class where I try to stick as many pieces of tape onto the person in front of me without anyone noticing.... my record is 56

4. Ok, this has an explanation as well.  My science teacher/ volleyball coach is the biggest bitch I've ever met.  Again I can't really explain the hatred I have for her but I've honestly never hated anyone but her... and it's so much hate my parents won't buy me a gun because they're worried I'll end up shooting her.  So with my fiery hatred for this son of a bitch I try my best not to do anything too rash but it's so hard!  I did little things like stealing the worksheets before class or taking the dry erase markers but my worst "prank" was when I put milk in her tea... she's lactose intolerant.  She spent our entire class period in the bathroom.... I honestly can't say that I'm ashamed of that one.

....This is long enough for today... Plus SWTOR is done updating so I actually have something to do... so uh, bye?

Friday, July 11, 2014

Light Bulb!

So recently I've had this... itching feeling in the pit of my stomach... I didn't know what this feeling was or what caused it but accompanied with an odd craving to create something I've finally realized what that feeling was.  It's my dream.  How can someone go 17 years without knowing what their life dream is I have no idea but I feel so much more... driven now that I found it.  My dream is to see my creation... my stories on a screen.  I want to see it played out before everyone's eyes so they can see and feel my writing the way that I do.  I want the world to venture into my mind, fall in love with my characters, and leave a movie theater shocked that time went by so fast.

 I know this is a really short thing for how long I've been gone but it's honestly taken me soooo long to realize what that feeling was and it'll be even longer before I can cure it.  So with that being said, do you know your dreams?  Have you felt that itching, aching, yearning feeling in the pit of your body? 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Errr Mer Gerd!

Hoekay! So I'm currently beginning a brand new adventure of tending to the needs of exotic animals.  Yes, I feed tigers! :)  I can't express to you the awesomeness of my first day of volunteering at my local sanctuary.  It was just my first day and I fed wolf hybrids, touched a lion, fed tiger's grass, picked up a dead cow and butchered, and fed the cow to the big cats.  Needless to say I'm pretty sure it was one of the funnest days I've had in a long time.

I'm actually surprised at the amount of stupidity rich people seem to have.  One of the lions actually came from a home where the parents let the wild predator sleep with their kids.... Seriously what in the world makes people think that they can tame a beast with 10 times the strength as you? Not to mention sharp claws and teeth!  

Well, yah, that's what I've been up to. So... BYE!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Look At What I Did!!!

So I've recently ridden in a car for 10 hours to spend 4 days in Mayo Clinic at Rochester M.N. The first day on the rode wasn't that bad but then again in the beginning the rides are never that bad.  We stopped at Wall Drug and I got to dominate the Jack Rabbit :)

If you're ever in South Dakota you should stop by its pretty fun... But that may just be because I'm a child haha. Anyway the fun didn't stop then we stopped in Suix (I probably spelled that wrong) Falls which I proceeded to get into trouble by going somewhere I wasn't supposed to go.

I guess this is why I didn't mind the ride over... we actually did something other than ride in a car. :/ But the highlight of this entire journey had to be my encounter with the Jolly Green Giant :D.  

(BTW he's a woman 0.0)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

One Just Wasn't Enough

I've already written a post tonight...morning... it's 12:50 am what do I call this?! Anyway I posted in this blog already and it wasn't enough so I'm going for a two-fer.  Lucky you :) 

This topic... I guess my hopes for this summer seeing as I am almost done with school.  How have I managed this? Precise calculations, not going to school, getting kicked out of home school (Best achievement ever), going to a bad kids school and then doing independent study there that litterally consists of a weeks worth of serious learning.  Yes, my junior year starts and ends this week... assuming that I'll actually do the work this time. 

ANYWAY, back to the summer hopes... Yah I don't have a whole lot.  I plan on volunteering at a humane society, maybe working at the hotel again (By the way I was a housekeeper at a hotel), aaaaaannnnddd finally buying all the games I never got around to playing this winter ^.^ Bring on the Assassins Creed and Dead Rising baby! 

On one hand I cant wait for summer but on the other I wan't it to be volleyball season so I can throw it in my coach's face that I'm now (Thanks to Cross Fit) a bad ass mother fucker >:) Lets see her try and find a reason to bench me again. 

OH! Story time!... short story time anyway.  Well, my coach... we'll call her The Craw... she literally just gave us the whole "Have fun" speech before our game so naturally I smiled during the game... because I was having fun... And the bitch benched me saying "I don't know whats so funny about losing".... Like are you fucking serious?! I should have took my uniform off right then and there... well at least if she does it to me this year I'll have nice abs to show off when I throw my uniform in her face.

Well... that was a fun detour from my original topic... I really hate that lady if you can't tell. 

Well I'm off to go on a food hunt.  My mom is on a diet so naturally she rid the house of anything tasty... :( Lord please, just this once, let there be a cookie or something in my pantry... please!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Facepalm -.-

I've recently ventured my way into memory lane and ran right the fuck out of there.  How was I so stupid?  Honestly, I have no idea how I thought I was cool while dressing like a "G" and well being a pretend hooligan.  I was that 12 year old who trash talked over the Internet... I feel so ashamed. 

 Haha I'm so thug chucking that W in the air with my cat in the background... *FACEPALM*.  I've got to say though I still do enjoy the music I used to be addicted to.  Brokencyde, Dope, Simple Plan, and all the others that I can't remember right now... So at least I only looked stupid... and acted stupid. 

I'm not too ashamed though I mean I did manage to keep my virginity and I never did drugs... So high five for past Kylee! ^.^ 

Looking back I know I've changed... alot. 

I used to be a HUGE liar and I'd always lie about the stupidest shit like having old friends that didn't really exist. One time, way back in first grade, I went on a school trip and told everyone that my aunt owned the zoo we were in.  I gave everyone of the animals a fake name and even got one of my best friends, at the moment, into it.  Funny thing is the only thing I remember about him was that he ate, or pretended to eat, some gum from under the bus seat. Grossed. Me. Out. 
Thankfully I don't lie anymore :) so I think I might post some stupid stories that I remember from my childhood... maybe it'll explain to you why I'm mostly insane.  

So yah... the end.  I guess :)