Now because I'm a 97% truthful person I have to admit that I have done absolute zip since school started. Hell I don't even go to school half the time! Anyway I'm only typing in here to bullshit my way out of doing homework... I never learn. So because I've recently stopped to examine my life as an odd individual I realized just how weird I am. So here we go a list of things I think are weird about myself!
....I think I've done this before.
1. My interest are kind of everywhere. Like if I were to pull them out of my soul and placed them in my room they would be EVERYWHERE! Just to example this lets create a list within a list... List-seption
- Video games
- YouTube
- Pranks / messing with people I don't know
- Online shopping but not real shopping
- Drawing
- Writing
- History
- Animals
- How the fuck life works
- Ignoring Religion
- Creating conspiracies to see how many people will believe me
- Getting scared about what the fuck is out there in space
- Hiking
- Basketball/ Volleyball
- Playing in the snow
- Cliff Jumping (Into water)
- Yearbook stuff
- Accounting (Who wouldn't like counting money?)
Ok I think you get the point. I have too much shit that I like.
2. My music taste range is pretty ridiculous. Rap, pop, screamo, alternative, elctronica, dubstep, metal, indie, rock, remixes, and others that I don't really know how to categorize.
3. I prefer the company of my mom. Because girls my age are R for retarded I can't exactly stand being in the same room as them most the time so the role of my BFF goes to my mother because fuck girls.
4. My room is literally cold enough for it to snow in but I refuse to turn on my heat. One degree increase and suddenly its like a sauna and I can't sleep.
5. I'm honest to god addicted to the History channel...
6. I have to change my hair often. OH SPEAKING OF THAT! I cut all my hair off :)
7. Every day that I'm too sick to get out of bed my black cat is sleeping on me and she sleeps on my for the entire day.
8. I hate candy and sweets but if offered them I always accept it.
9. I don't like to go on runs with people and that really pisses off my mom...
10. I still play video games on my original X-box >.< does that make me a hipster?
I'm eating guacamole... I don't even know if I like it but I'm eating it's ok I guess.
11. I love the idea of thrift shopping but I can't make myself buy something that someone else wore.
12. If I was looking at this perfect house that was way cheap and the only catch was that a family was murdered there... I'd still buy it and sleep like a baby.
13. I'm not afraid of spiders or heights. Snakes don't phase me and the thought of being haunted excites me... hell I pet lions! Yet somehow scorpions scare me stiff... but don't get me wrong. I will kill them.
Alright that's all for now. I need to pee and make a baked potato... or maybe a sandwich... yah that's more realistic.
OH! In case you exist and don't read my story blog, I'm writing fan fictions to procrastinate from school even more! So if you want to check that out... that'd be neat. I haven't exactly posted anything yet but I wrote a pretty odd profile thingy so if that's your kind of mildly fun but not too exciting party please join me!
Hoekay! that a greeting? I think that's a greeting.... oh well.